December 9, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Is there a US stock market bubble?" published in The Canadian Investment Review.
December 7, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Seven metrics that show the US market is overvalued” published in Globe Investor Magazine Online.
November 16, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “A value investor's take on diversification and risk” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
October 20, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “True value investing is worth the price” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Real active management is worth the price”.
September 24, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a key note speech presentation on “Value Investing – The 3 Ws: Who, What and Why?”” at the grant opening of the New MBA Program in Finance and Accounting at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
September 22, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Who are the real value investors?” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Will the real value investor stand up?”.
September 10, 2015
Dr. Athanassakos gave an interview about Greece's debt crisis to Helsingin Sanomat newspaper.
The interview was about Greece and what should Greece do to overcome the bind in which it has found itself being loaded with debt that will unable to pay under normal growth conditions. Without lenders forgiving some of the debt, Greece will never be able to become master if its own future which will continue to be dictated by its European masters. Greece should be given incentives to modernize its government, collect taxes, liberalize closed professions and stump corruption. Dr. Athanassakos indicated in the interview his belief that Greece was manipulated by Germany to join the Common currency and is paying now for it given that Germany wants only the benefits of having Greece into the Union but not the costs.
September 2, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a key note speech presentation on “Value Investing” at the grant opening of the New Master’s Program in Finance and Accounting at the Hanken School of Business, Helsinki, Finland.
August 20, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “What should we do about interest rates?” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Why the Fed will hike rates while inflation remains stagnant”.
August 10, 2015
Dr. Athanassakos was interviewed for the August 2015 issue of The University of Auckland Investment Club Bulletin. The interview appears on page 20.
August 5, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How does one determine if a market is efficient?” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Why value investors have the edge in the short term”.
July 20-24, 2015
Seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and practice.
Mr. Andrew Brenton, CEO and co-founder, Turtle Creek Asset Management, was a guest speaker on July 24.
PowerPoint Presentation
Watch Video
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 15, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The Tragedy of Greece” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
July 14, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Red flags to look out for in value-trap stocks” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
June 30, 2015
The Ben Graham Centre Newsletter
The Ben Graham Centre has published its inaugural newsletter. This issue captures some of our activities in 2015, such as interviews with our high-profile guest speakers, practitioner research highlights, questions and answers from the HBA and MBA class meeting with Warren Buffett, and a discussion of the results from the annual International Stock Picking Competition.
May 29, 2015
Ben Graham Centre's 4th Symposium on Intelligent Investing
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 4th symposium on Intelligent Investing at the Ivey Business School in London, Ontario.
See more information on the symposium.
May 13, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Value ETFs don’t really live up to their name” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
April 16, 2015
Fairfax Financial Holdings Annual General Meeting
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his Value Investing MBA and HBA students to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto. After the meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Dr. Athanassakos and his Value Investing students with Prem Watsa.
April 16, 2015
Dr. Athanassakos discussed “Value investing at Ivey” at the Fairfax Financial Holdings Annual General Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
April 15, 2015
Ben Graham Centre’s 2015 Value Investing Conference
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 2015 Value Investing Conference at The Fairmont Royal York in downtown Toronto.
See details about the conference and view media coverage here.
April 15, 2015
Dr. Athanassakos gave a presentation entitled “Stock Picking - Why I have a bias against growth stocks” at the Ben Graham Centre's 2015 Value Investing Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
April 14, 2015
Ben Graham Centre's 2015 Stock Picking Competition
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its annual Stock Picking Competition at the MBA level in Toronto. Teams from MBA schools from around the world competed for $17,500 in cash prizes as well as free attendance to the Ben Graham Centre’s Value Investing Conference and the Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. Annual General Meeting in Toronto, Canada.
First place winners: Alex Acosta, Will Mandersheid and Anish Pasari, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Second place winners: Tom Garland, Zane Keller, Ryan Stanley, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley
Third place winners: James Barnby, Peter Gillespie, Ivey Business School at Western University
See details about the competition and view media coverage here.
April 14, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos discussed “The importance of exposing business students to the principles of value investing” at the Ben Graham Centre's 2015 Stock Picking Competition in Toronto, Ontario.
April 8, 2015
Robotti & Company Advisors LLC Prize
This prize is awarded to the group, among all value investing classes, whose stock recommendation received the highest recognition by the Fund's Advisory Board and was consequently added to the Ivey Value Fund. The 2015 Winners are:
HBA: Nicole Dee, Kevin Gryp, Daniel Khazzam, Jonathan Miller and Daniel Taylor
MBA: Shashank Chadha, Jose Diaz Fernanz, Ashwin Lobo, Purab Parikh and Jamher Pittman
March 31, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Fear a recession? The numbers say otherwise” published in Globe Investor Magazine Online.
March 19, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “EU’s strategy for Greece forgets an important element: Culture” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B2. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Culture is the stumbling block in the EU standoff with Greece”.
March 9, 2015
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 the group from Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA February Class: Farah Lalani, Abhimanyu Lamba, Ryan Wong, Gina Kalboneh
MBA January Class: Alvaro Duran, Peter Gillespie, James Barnby
HBA Section 1: Noah Bronstein, Richard Chaikof, Glenn Ong, Brandon Schwartz, Michael Yelavich
HBA Section 2: Lynn Hu, Kevin Kim, Alan Li, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Hattie Zhou
HBA Section 3: Cary Chao, Cheryl Cher, Daniel Donato, Jessica He, Daniel Ma, Yoka Zhai
March 9, 2015
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $500 was shared by MBA students Keisha Bailey and Patrick Welsh who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 9, 2015
The Patient Capital Management Inc. Prize
This prize is awarded annually and recognizes the student with the highest grade among all Value Investing classes. The 2015 Winners are:
MBA: Mykyta Mykhaylychenko and Gina Kalboneh
HBA: Lynn Hu, Kevin Kim, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Hattie Zhou
March 4, 2015
Ms. Kim Shannon, CFA, MBA, President & Chief Investment Officer, Sionna Investment Managers was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Ms. Shannon's value investing insights.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Ms. Shannon for her presentation
Ms. Shannon speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Ivey Business School.
February 27, 2015
Mr. Warren Buffett, the world's best known investor and one of the world's richest persons, invited Dr. George Athanassakos, and a group of his HBA and MBA Value Investing students, to visit with him at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska.
Read an article about the visit from a student’s perspective.
Read notes on the meeting Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Buffett.
Mr. Buffett with Ivey value investing students.February 26, 2015
Mr. Richard H. Lawrence, Jr., CFA, Chairman and Executive Director, Overlook Investments was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Lawrence's value investing insights.
Mr. Lawrence speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Ivey Business School.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Lawrence for his presentation.
February 16, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Keep calm and carry on investing” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B7. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Invest for success: look for value, don't follow the herd”.
February 3, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his editorial article “Is Volatility Risk? The Bad Influence of Academia to the Discussion” (Editorial) Journal of Business & Financial Affairs, Vol. 3, No.3, p. 1.
January 22, 2015
Mr. Charles H. Brandes, CFA, Chairman, Brandes Investment Partners L.P. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Brandes' value investing insights.
Mr. Brandes speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Ivey Business School.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Brandes for his presentation.
January 21, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Short selling can be bad for your health” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Short selling: I did it once (and why I'd never do it again)”.
January 14, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Are cross-listed stocks hurting your portfolio? They can if you're a low volatility investor” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
January 7, 2015
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why this bull market is .. bull: A realistic expectation about future stock returns” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
December 4, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Value investors know the dangers of reacting to short term volatility” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
November 13, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “China looking more and more like Greece before the crash” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B2. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Will China be the new Greece?”.
October 23, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a presentation on “Value Investing – The 3Ws: Who, What and Why?” at the Weekly Seminar Series of the Department of Banking and Financial Management, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece.
October 22, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave two speeches on “The Principles and Applications of Value Investing” to Senior Management and key clients of one of the largest banks in Greece, Eurobank Ergasias S.A., Athens, Greece.
October 21, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Separating Winners from Losers Among Value and Growth Stocks in Different US Exchanges: 1969-2011” published in theJournal of Investment Management, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 68-104.
October 16, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a presentation on “Value Investing – The 3Ws: Who, What and Why?” at the Department of Finance and Accounting, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. Greece.
September 23, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos’ article “Value investing works. Why isn’t it more popular?”was chosen by the Globe and Mail as one of the best 35 articles in both the contemporary and historical archives and was included in Globe’s eBook entitled “Guide For Young Investors”.
September 23, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a presentation on “Value Investing – The 3 Ws: Who, What and Why?” at the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
September 9-16, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a series of lectures on Value Investing at the Department of Finance and Statistics, HANKEN School of Economics, Vasa, Finland.
August 26, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “A value investor’s take: Here’s my problem with growth stocks” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Why value investors avoid stocks with high multiples”.
July 24, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos' paper “A Simultaneous Equations Analysis of Analysts' Forecast Bias and Institutional Ownership” was listed on SSRN's All Time Top Ten download list.
July 22, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Pessimism over economic growth has the smart money buying bonds” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Follow the smart money into bonds, not stocks”.
July 14-18, 2014
Seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and practice.
Ms. Gaelen Morphet, Senior Vice-President & Chief Investment Officer, Empire Life Investments was a guest speaker on July 18.
Watch Video
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 13, 2014
Dr. Athanassakos gave an interview on what value investing means for the retail investor to Cayden Chang of Mind Kinesis Investments Pte Ltd of Singapore at the Eaton Chelsea Inn in Toronto, Ontario.
July 2, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Is the bull market over? Signs aren’t good” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B9. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Is the bull market over? Signs are not encouraging”.
May 30, 2014
Ben Graham Centre's 3rd Symposium on Intelligent Investing
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 3rd symposium on Intelligent Investing at the Ivey Business School in London, Ontario.
Dr. Athanassakos speaks to symposium participants.
May 29, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “A nine-point checklist for value investors” published in The Globe Investor Magazine Online.
April 9, 2014
Fairfax Financial Holdings Annual General Meeting
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his Value Investing MBA and HBA students to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Prem Watsa addresses Fairfax's shareholders.
Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing students at the Ivey booth.
Attendees gather at Roy Thomson Hall.
April 9, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why Public Support Won’t Save the Auto Industry” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
April 8, 2014
Ben Graham Centre’s 2014 Value Investing Conference
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 2014 Value Investing Conference at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
See details about the conference including speaker presentations media coverage.
Morning Keynote Speaker, Amity Shlaes
Luncheon Keynote Speaker, Wilbur Ross
April 8, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Value investing: Why aren't there more like Warren Buffett and Prem Watsa?” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Value investing works. Why isn’t it more popular?”. It was also published by India Infoline and Banking Frontiers.
April 8, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a speech on “Stock Picking Revisited” at the Ben Graham Centre’s 2014 Value Investing Conference at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario.
April 7, 2014
Ben Graham Centre's 2014 Stock Picking Competition
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its inaugural 2014 Stock Picking Competition at the MBA level in Toronto. Teams from MBA schools from around the world competed for $17,500 in cash prizes as well as free attendance to the Ben Graham Centre’s Value Investing Conference and the Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. Annual General Meeting in Toronto, Canada.
The first place winners, coming away with $10,000, were Ivey MBA value investing students Catherine Yi, Omid Ameri and Matt Vines.
See details about the competition and view media here.
March 29, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos made a presentation entitled “Value Investing: The 3 Ws - Who, What and Why?” at the Association of Canadian Intercollegiate Investment Clubs (ACIIC) 2014 Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
March 25, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How Overvalued Are Equity Markets”published in The Canadian Investment Review.
March 13, 2014
Mr. Jean-Marie Eveillard, Senior Adviser, First Eagle Investment Management was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Eveillard's value investing insights.
Mr. Eveillard speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing students at the Ivey Business School
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Eveillard for his presentation.
March 3, 2014
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 the group from Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA February Class: Chad Hauser, Charles Hechema, Tristan Hodge, Alan Man, Hugh Soong
MBA January Class: Salim Belcadi, Erik Bennasser, James McGarragle, Brad Neilson, Charles Wong, Catherine Yi
HBA Section 1: Paul Kern, Watson Lin, Parker Liu, Vivian Yau, David Yu
HBA Section 2: Josh MacDonald, Mathieu Parisien, Philip Ruffolo, John Zondo
HBA Section 3: Kai Ao, Adam Ibrahim, Jordan Magidson, Corey Obermayer, Yong Zhang
March 3, 2014
The Patient Capital Management Inc. Prize
This prize is awarded annually and recognizes the student with the highest grade among all Value Investing classes. The 2014 Winners are:
MBA: Charles Hechema and Catherine Yi
HBA: Adam Libertini, Watson Lin, Corey Obermayer, Bowen Qian and Philip Ruffolo
March 3, 2014
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $500 was given to Evan Huang who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 3, 2014
Robotti & Company Advisors LLC Prize
This prize is awarded to the group, among all value investing classes, whose stock recommendation received the highest recognition by the Fund's Advisory Board and was consequently added to the Ivey Value Fund. The 2015 Winners are:
Connor Crowley, Angeline Fernandes, Alice Liao, Nancy Meng, Sameer Rabbani
February 25, 2014
Mr. William H. Browne, Managing Director, Tweedy, Browne Company LLC was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Browne's value investing insights.
Mr. Browne speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing students at the Ivey Business School
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Browne for his presentation
February 19, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Stop Stressing About Stock Options”published in The Canadian Investment Review.
February 18, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Has globalization turned against us?” published in The Globe Investor Magazine Online.
January 31, 2014
Mr. Warren Buffett, the world's best known investor and one of the world's richest persons, invited Dr. George Athanassakos, and a group of his HBA and MBA Value Investing students, to visit with him at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska.
Read an article about the visit from a student’s perspective.
Read notes on the meeting Dr. Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Buffett.
Mr. Buffett with Ivey Value Investing students
Mr. Buffett speaks to a group of students
January 23, 2014
Mr. Roger Lace, President, Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Ltd. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Lace's value investing insights.
Mr. Lace speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing students at the Ivey Business School
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Lace for his presentation
January 22, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The Worst Investment Ever” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
January 7, 2014
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How to Choose Undervalued Stocks”published in The Canadian Investment Review.
December 31, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How to play the stock market's January Effect” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
November 29, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The case for the much-maligned stock picker” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
November 25, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Do Good Companies Make Good Investments?” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
November 25, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his editorial article “Stock Picking” published in Journal of Business & Financial Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 2.
November 23, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos was interviewed for the article "Why to Buy Large-Cap Stocks Now" that appeared in the Wall Street Journal, p. B7 in which the author also refers to Dr. Athanassakos' research on the opposite seasonality of small and large stocks throughout the year. The article also appeared under the same title online on November 22.
October 14, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “What happens when easy money ends?” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
August 12, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The human psychology behind value investing” published on
July 31, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Forward vs. trailing P/E ratios: Which metric has better predictive power when it comes to stock returns” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
July 15-19, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
Mr. Francis Chou, President, Chou Associates Management Inc. was a guest speaker on July 19.
Watch Video
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 5, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Are Negative P/E and P/B ratio Firms Different” published in Journal of Business & Financial Affairs, Vol. 2, No. 1.
June 20, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why contrarians may want to bet on real return bonds” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B14. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
June 12, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Which U.S. Stocks Will Outperform?”published in The Canadian Investment Review.
June 9, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article "Separating Winners from Losers Among Value and Growth Stocks in Canada: Another Step in the Value Investing Process", published in the Journal of Applied Research in Accounting and Finance (JARAF), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 17-40.
May 23, 2013
Dr. Athanassakos presented his paper entitled “Separating Winners from Losers Among Value and Growth Stocks in Different US Exchanges” to the New York Society of Security Analysts (NYSSA), NYSSA Conference Center, New York, NY.
May 2, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Does the Market Reward Negative P/E Firms?” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
April 18, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Is Ontario the New Greece? A warning to Canadians who think it can't happen here” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
April 11, 2013
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his Value Investing MBA and HBA students to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders on Thursday, April 11, 2013 at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the annual meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Robert Robotti, Thomas Russo, and Francis Chou with Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Mohnish Pabrai with Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Wayne Peters and Prem Watsa with Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
April 10, 2013
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 2013 Value Investing Conference at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
Morning Keynote Speaker, Gary Shilling, President, A. Gary Shilling & Co., Inc.
Afternoon Keynote Speaker, Jeremy Grantham, Co-founder and Chief Investment Strategist, GMO
See conference details and view media here.
April 10, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos presented “Stock Picking” at the Ben Graham Centre’s 2013 Value Investing Conference at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario.
April 9, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos presented “Value Investing at Ivey” at the Ivey Finance Network - Value Investing Event at the Board of Trade, Toronto. Ontario.
April 3, 2013
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 the group from Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
HBA Section 1: Jeff Cobourn, Michael Deliakis, Jiemi Gao, Rohit Guntur and Kevin Zhou
HBA Section 2: Brandon Altomare-Ciallella, Alex Lebedzeu, Feroz Qayyum, Matthew Ryan and Simon Yin
HBA Section 3: Carson Fullard, Ryan Hui, Adam Jacobson, Jamie McKeown and Peter Wong
MBA February Class: Peter Andre, John Cooper, Gregory Critchley, James Manning and Max Rosenfeld
MBA January Class: Christopher Cansick, Lucy Li, Kristian Medri, Rohan Ramesh and Andriy Yastreb
April 3, 2013
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by HBA students Samaar Haider, Gietha Murugiah, Linda Xu and Sherlyn Yang who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 29, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Relax, this stock market boom is not a bubble – unless rates rise” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B9. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
March 21, 2013
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by MBA students Chris Goulakos and Shrikesh Majithia (February class) and Geoff Butt and Edouard Morin (January class) who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 14, 2013
Mr. Vito Maida, Founder and President, Patient Capital Management Inc. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Maida's value investing insights.
Mr. Maida speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Maida for his presentation.
March 9, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos made a presentation entitled “ Value Investing: The 3 Ws - Who, What and Why?” at the Association of Canadian Intercollegiate Investment Clubs (ACIIC) 2013 Inaugural Conference, Toronto, Ontario.
March 5, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Buffetted: Why the world’s greatest investor changed his strategy” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B17. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
February 21, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “U.S. Value Stocks: Separating Winners From Losers” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
February 14, 2013
Mr. Howard Marks, CFA, CIC, Chairman, Oaktree Capital Management was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Marks' value investing insights.
February 7, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “A Matter of Character” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
January 29, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The five traits of highly successful value investors” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
January 24, 2013
Mr. Robert Robotti, Founder and CIO, Robotti & Company Advisors LLC. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Robotti's value investing insights.
Mr. Robotti speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Robotti for his presentation.
January 10, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How value helps you avoid the herd: A 101 guide to Ben Graham's approach” published in The Canadian Investment Review.
January 4, 2013
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why housing prices aren't coming back”published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
December 24, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How Baby Boomers Ruined the World”published in The Canadian Investment Review.
August 17, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How is the U.S. economy doing? Even the Fed doesn't know for sure” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Why the Fed should be skeptical of GDP data”.
July 31, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why stocks wilt in the summer heat”published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
July 25, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos was recently appointed Editor of the Multinational Finance Journal as well as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business and Financial Affairs.
July 16-20, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
Mr. Jeffrey Stacey, Partner, Stacey Muirhead Capital Management was a guest speaker on July 20.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 18, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Beware the value trap: Oil stocks are not the bargain they appear” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Beware the value trap: Oil stocks are not as cheap as they look”.
June 28, 2012
The Financial Planning Standards Council has selected Dr. George Athanassakos for the Fellow of FPSCTM distinction. The Financial Planning Standards Council recognizes individuals for outstanding contribution to furthering FPSC’s mission and for advancing the financial planning profession with the Fellow of FPSCTM distinction.
Dr. Athanassakos accepts the award
June 8, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “When cheap isn’t good enough” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Value stocks: When cheap isn't good enough”.
May 22, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Yardstick says it’s time to sell, but it may not measure up” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Yardstick says 'sell,' but it may not measure up”.
April 30, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his editorial article “Value Investing Vs. Modern Portfolio Theory” published in The Journal of Business & Financial Affairs, Vol. 1, No.2.
April 26, 2012
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his Value Investing MBA and HBA students to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the annual meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Mr. Prem Watsa with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Mr. Francis Chou with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Mr. Wayne Peters with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
April 25, 2012
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held its 2012 Value Investing Conference at the Board of Trade, First Canadian Place, Toronto.
For conference details and video of the keynote speech, click here.
April 17, 2012
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by HBA students Andrzej Zarzycki (section 1), David Yi (section 2), Sylvia Broschinski, Ivan Fartunov, and Navid Nathoo (section 3) who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
April 3, 2012
Dr. Athanassakos gave a speech entitled “Value Investing: The 3Ws – Who, What, Why” to Concordia University’s William W. Ashby Lecture Series on Value Investing.
March 30, 2012
Mr. Warren Buffett, the world's best known investor and one of the world's richest persons, invited Dr. George Athanassakos, and a group of his HBA and MBA Value Investing students to visit with him at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. The itinerary involved: Q&A/tour at Nebraska Furniture Mart (A Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary), Q&A with Mr. Buffett in the Cloud Room at the Berkshire building, and lunch with Mr. Buffett at Piccolo Pete’s restaurant. The visit gave Ivey students a once in a life time opportunity to meet with one of the best value investors in the world, also known as “the Oracle of Omaha”.
See details about the trip, including photos, meeting notes and a news article.
Dr. Athanassakos thanks Mr. Buffett for the opportunity to meet with him.
March 27, 2012
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 the group from Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
HBA Section 1: Andrew Crow, Jeff McAllister, Tyler Press, Greg Quickmire, Bryan Sinclair
HBA Section 2: Mishal Ahmad, Shiv Daryani, Navid Nathoo, Vrajesh Shah, Michael Wang
HBA Section 3: Mike Badolato, Jared Goldberg, Shawn Lerner, Mike Mescia
MBA February Class: Sameer Bhaidani, Shruti Garg, A.J. Jacklin, Shilpa Joshi, Rehan Khan
MBA January Class: Jaimes Baird, Robert Clarke, Frank Guo, Achilleas Taxildaris, Haining Zha
March 27, 2012
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by MBA students Brent Osborne and Andrew Michalik (January class) and Griffin Gettas and Shady Ghattas (February class) who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 15, 2012
Mr. Tony Arrell, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Arrell's value investing insights.
Mr. Arrell speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Arrell for his presentation.
February 23, 2012
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Canada's housing bubble: This time is not different” published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online).
February 15, 2012
Mr. Mohnish Pabrai, Managing Partner, Pabrai Investment Funds was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Pabrai's value investing insights.
Dr. George Athanassakos introduces Mr. Pabrai before his presentation.
January 26, 2012
Mr. Thomas A. Russo, Partner, Gardner Russo & Gardner was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Read an article on Mr. Russo's value investing insights.
Mr. Russo speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
December 1, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Can Canada go the way of Greece?”published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online).
November 16, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The Quick Way to Identify Value”, published in The Canadian Investment Review.
October 28, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “How to keep a lid on public debt” published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online).
October 2, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a speech entitled “Value Investing: Why it works and why it will continue to work” to the 12th Annual Conference of the Independent Accountants’ Investment Council (IAIC), which was held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Toronto.
September 19, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Germany wants to have it both ways” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Germany wants to have it both ways on euro bonds”.
August 30, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The contrarian case for active investing” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B15. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
July 18-22, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
Mr. Francis Chou CFA, Chou Associates Management Inc., was a guest speaker on July 22.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 21, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why we're on a fast track to the 1970s” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
June 8, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The cure for Greece? Bankruptcy and the drachma” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B15. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
May 7, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Gold, producers’ stocks march to different drummers” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
April 30, 2011
Dr. Athanassakos attended the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska. As usual, Mr. Warren Buffett and Mr. Charlie Munger enchanted the shareholders with their wit and wisdom.
Dr. Athanassakos lining up along with other shareholders at 5:00am to get front row seats.
Only half an hour after opening the doors, the arena was filled to capacity. More than 40,000 people attended.
Dr. Athanassakos just prior to the start of the meeting.
Mr. Buffett and Mr. Munger answer questions on a number of topics.
April 20, 2011
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his Value Investing MBA and HBA students to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders at Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the annual meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Fairfax is a financial services holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in property and casualty insurance and reinsurance and investment management. Fairfax has been one of the few companies to escape the ravages of the great recession of 2008 as Mr. Watsa and his team had anticipated the credit crisis and had taken the necessary steps to protect Fairfax. Mr. Watsa, also known as the Buffett of the North, had discussed his fears about the markets in a key note speech he gave to The Ben Graham Center of Value Investing 1st Annual Symposium on Value Investing in May 25, 2007. His key note speech can be viewed here.
Mr. Francis Chou with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Mr. Wayne Peters with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
April 11, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why Canada’s housing market is destined to slump” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Signs point to a severe housing correction in Canada”.
April 7, 2011
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by HBA students Chris Cunningham (section 1), Minh Nguyen (section 2), Marlena Zabielska and Melody Tao (section 3) who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
April 7, 2011
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to each group from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA and HBA Value Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA February Class: Zhengze Li, Sharon Liu, Jason Tigas, Allen Wu
MBA January Class: Wallace Ho, Grace Kim, Wayne Lam, Tiffany Lau, Rick Taylor
HBA Section 1: Adebola Adeniran, Chris Cunningham, Talal Damen, Aly Remtullah,Fabian Reusch
HBA Section 2: Matt Allard-Buffet, Garrett Inculet, Kelvin Lin, Philip Szewczyk, Maxim Tcherner
HBA Section 3: Rasim Aliyev, Sharon Chen-Xue, Nuwan Rajapakse, Ari Veittiaho, Marlena Zabielska
March 30, 2011
Mr. Roland Keiper, founder of Clearwater Capital Management Inc., volunteered to listen to the final presentations of Dr. Athanassakos’ HBA Value Investing students and to assist Dr. Athanassakos in choosing the best projects.
March 30, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Investors should beware the inflation mirage” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
March 16, 2011
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. Prize.
The Stacey Muirhead Capital Management Ltd. award of $1000 was shared by MBA students Ryan Irvine (January class) and Radu Bolohan (February class) who, in the judgment of Professor Athanassakos, demonstrated exceptional promise in understanding and applying value investing concepts and techniques.
March 10, 2011
Mr. Richard Rooney of Burgundy Asset Management Ltd. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Dean Carol Stephenson with Mr. Rooney and Dr. Athanassakos.
Mr. Rooney speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
February 16, 2011
Mr. Prem Watsa of Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Mr. Watsa with Dean Carol Stephenson and Dr. Athanassakos.
Mr. Watsa speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
January 27, 2011
Tim McElvaine of McElvaine Investment Management Ltd. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
January 25, 2011
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The rising risk of an emerging market bubble”, published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B18. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the same title.
December 21, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “This stimulus plan dances to an old tune” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B14. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “We’ve seen quantitative easing before – and it didn’t work”.
December 10, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos gave an interview to TD-Waterhouse’s Patricia Lovett-Reid for BNN’s “MoneyTalks” Program. To read the transcript of the interview please click here.
Read transcription of the interview here
November 9, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The ingenious U.S. currency ploy” published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online).
October 28, 2010
Financial Times of London, England has named Professor George Athanassakos, “Professor of the Week”. In the accompanying FT article, Professor Athanassakos discusses five terms related to Value Investing.
October 21, 2010
Tamar Tepper, one of the students from professor George Athanassakos’ Value Investing course chosen to meet Mr. Warren Buffett in Nebraska, is featured in the article “Search for value aims to spot bargains” published in The Toronto Star.
October 13, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Gold Bugs are right to fear inflation”published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B17.
September 23, 2010
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited celebrated its 25th anniversary with a dinner at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto.
September 16, 2010
Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited and Mackenzie Financial Corporation held a special dinner to honour Mr. Peter Cundill, one of the great Canadian value investors and founder of Peter Cundill Associates, at the Toronto Club.
August 23, 2010
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the group from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing report. The winning group included the following students:
MBA August Class: Ibrahim Dossani, Chim Kan, Ying Li, Henry Liu and Tamar Tepper
August 16, 2010
Mr. Irwin Michael of ABC Funds was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Michael speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Michael for his presentation.
August 12, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Rating emerging markets and higher risk stocks” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10.
July 19-23, 2010
Due to overwhelming interest in the June Seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value, a second seminar was offered in July.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
July 19, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “The tyranny of the capital markets”published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B8.
July 6, 2010
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney’s internal web site, External Insights, has published a story, entitled "Active vs. Passive: Volatility Matters", about Dr. George Athanassakos, his research and the Ben Graham Center for Value Investing.
June 14-18, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
June 3, 2010
Dr. Athanassakos and a group of his MBA students attended Fraser Institute’s Gala Dinner honouring Mr. Peter Munk, Founder and Chairman of Barrick Gold. It was a excellent event and Mr. Munk’s speech touched everyone – all those attending will definitely never forget the event and experience. Attendance of this event was made possible through a generous gift by Fairfax Financial Holdings.
Dr. Athanassakos and his MBA students who participated in the gala dinner.
Dr. Athanassakos congratulates Mr. Munk on his award and his speech, and also shares a joke with him.
May 7, 2010
Canada-UK Chamber newsletter runs excerpt of Dr. Athanassakos’ column “Stock picking becomes an essential art” in the May-June 2010 edition, p. 6. This is an edited version of the article that first appeared in the Globe and Mail on March 12, 2010.
May 4, 2010
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the groups from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA and HBA Value Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA April Class: Elizabeth Anton, Rohan Belliappa, Mauricio di Bartolomeo, Derrick Fournier and Summer Zaheen
MBA March Class: Jason Fenn, Clayton Feick, Farjad Iravani, Chris O'Grady and Pete Walker
HBA Section 1: Lorne Creighton, Jeff Detz, Jonathan Garbe, Mike Sharp and Calvin White.
HBA Section 2: Mattias Adebäck, Michiel Arends, Benjamin Chaubert, Jay Kwon and Adam Lodin
HBA Section 3: Matthew Hall, Linden Head, Aaron Posluns, Dev Saxena and Dale Zhang
April 29, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “When growth beats value, it’s time to get out of the market” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B18.
April 26, 2010
Mr. Robert Tattersall, Executive Vice-President, Howson Tattersall was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Tattersall speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Tattersall for his presentation.
April 22, 2010
Mr. Prem Watsa, Chairman and CEO, Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. invited Dr. Athanassakos and his Value Investing MBA class to attend the Fairfax annual meeting of shareholders on Thursday, April 22, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00p.m. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After the annual meeting, students had an opportunity to meet Mr. Watsa and his team.
Fairfax is a financial services holding company which, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in property and casualty insurance and reinsurance and investment management. Fairfax has been one of the few companies to escape the ravages of the great recession of 2008 as Mr. Watsa and his team had anticipated the credit crisis and had taken the necessary steps to protect Fairfax . Mr. Watsa, also known as the Buffett of the North, had discussed his fears about the markets in a key note speech he gave to The Ben Graham Center of Value Investing 1st Annual Symposium on Value Investing in May 25, 2007.
James Zhang and Lorne Creighton at the Richard Ivey School of Business booth.
Dr. George Athanassakos and a group of his value investing students.
Mr. Francis Chou with Dr. Athanassakos and his students at Roy Thompson Hall.
Dr. George Athanassakos and Mr. Prem Watsa.
March 23, 2010
Mr. David J. Winters, Managing Director, Wintergreen Advisers, LLC, was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Winters speaking to Dr. Athanassakos' value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Winters for his presentation.
March 12, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Stock picking becomes an essential art”published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13.
February 26, 2010
Mr. Warren Buffett, the world's best known investor and one of the world's richest persons, invited Dr. George Athanassakos, and a group of his HBA and MBA Value Investing students to visit with him at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska on February 26, 2010. The itinerary involved: Q&A/tour at Nebraska Furniture Mart (A Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary), 700 South 72 Street. Q&A with Mr. Buffett at Field Club located on 3615 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha NE. Lunch with Mr. Buffett at Piccolo Pete’s restaurant - 2202 S 20th St. The visit gave Ivey students a once in a life time opportunity to meet with one of the best value investors in the world, also known as “the Oracle of Omaha”.
See details about the trip, including photos, meeting notes and news articles
Dr. Athanassakos thanks Mr. Buffett for the opportunity to meet with him.
Dr. Athanassakos and his students with Mr. Buffett.
February 11, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a three part interview to (Money Insights Video Series) that covered areas from his research on diversification, value vs. growth investing, market efficiency and seasonal effects, and the long term outlook for bonds.
February 10, 2010
Mr. Jeffrey D. Stacey, Partner, Stacey Muirhead Capital Management was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
February 10, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “After bonds' extended run, long-term outlook less rosy” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B20.
January 13, 2010
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Sooner or later, our economy will have to ‘reset'"” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12.
December 14, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “If we skirt a double-dip, it could be a very happy new year for stock returns” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13.
December 11, 2009
The director of the Ben Graham Center for Value Investing, Dr. George Athanassakos, is pleased to announce the November update of the Canadian Value Fund Database on the Centre’s web site for student and public use. Dr. Athanassakos wishes to thank Mr. Rafael Nicolas Fermin-Cota for his outstanding research and programming skills that made this update possible and Ms. Carly Vanderheyden for her excellent web management skills.
November 3, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Commodities as a global currency” (co-authored with Joseph Potvin) published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11.
October 20, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos gave a speech on Value Investing to business students at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.
October 19, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos gave an interview to “Let’s Talk Investing”, a video series that the Globe and Mail has put together in partnership with The Investor Education fund, an organization that provides investment education. The interview was coordinated by Globe and Mail reporter Rob Carrick.
Watch the interview "Value investing no quick fix"
Watch the interview "Who are the smartest value investors?"
Watch the interview "The stock market bargain bin"
Read transcription of "The stock market bargain bin"
October 9, 2009
The director of the Ben Graham Center for value Investing, Dr. George Athanassakos, is pleased to announce the addition of three new databases on the Centre’s web site for student and public use. The purpose of the first database is to allow the user to find (screen) US bonds by type, maturity, rating, yield and more. It also allows the user to search for (screen) US stocks by valuation metrics, share performance, analyst estimates, dividends and much more. The second database allows the user to retrieve historical US companies’ financial statement and financial ratio information by typing the US stock symbol and pressing enter at the top of the web page. The third database allows the user to view interactive charts of all stocks in the world, their historical price movements and trading volume, as well as specific company events and compare historical performance to other companies in the global markets.
Dr. George Athanassakos wishes to thank Mr. Rafael Nicolas Fermin-Cota for his outstanding research and programming skills that made the creation of these databases possible and Ms. Carly Vanderheyden for her excellent web management skills.
September 22, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article "Passive investment or active growth management? Value beats them both" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Another reason why value investing beats all other strategies”.
August 25, 2009
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the group from Dr. Athanassakos' August MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing report. The winning group included the following students:
MBA August Class: Rob Hales, Brooke Harley, Alexander MacDonald, Anne Mullin and Tony Rizzi
August 18, 2009
Mr. Francis Chou CFA, Chou Associates Management Inc was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Chou with Dr. Athanassakos and his value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Francis Chou for his presentation to his value investing class.
August 17, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Why ‘Sell in May’ principle just won’t go away” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B7.
June 29, 2009
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing at the Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario hosted its 2nd Symposium on Value Investing on in Rethymnon, Crete, Greece. For more information and to view the program and papers click here.
June 15-19, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
May 22, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos had his article “Value Investing reveals the risk behind diversification” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “The best way to handle risk is to be a value investor”.
May 6, 2009
Dr. George Athanassakos presented his paper entitled "Do Value Investors Add Value? Searching For and Finding Value" at the 6th Annual Global Value Investor Conference in Los Angeles, CA.
May 4, 2009
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the group from Dr. Athanassakos' April MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing report. The winning group included the following students:
MBA April Class: Samira Amini, Erin MacKenzie, James Mazur and Paul Nieznalski
May 3, 2009
Berkshire Hathaway holds press conference. Click here to read notes.
Many thanks to Philip Durell founder and editor of the Motley Fool Inside Value, and Robert Miles, for transcribing and editing the conference notes.
April 24, 2009
Mr. Tom Bradley, MBA, Steadyhand Investment Funds Inc. was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Bradley speaks to value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Bradley for his presentation to his value investing class.
April 9, 2009
Saxon Financial granted a prize of $500 to the student from Dr. Athanassakos' March MBA value investing class with the highest grade point average in the course. The winning student was Dalton Baretto.
April 9, 2009
Chou Associates Management Inc. awarded $500.00 to the students from each of Dr. Athanassakos' two HBA Value Investing classes with the highest grade point average in the course. The winning students were:
HBA Section 1: Colin Wong
HBA Section 2: John Huo
April 6, 2009
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the groups from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA and HBA Value Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA March Class: Dalton Baretto, Vanessa D'Costa, Alykhan Ladha, Jennifer Nowski and Samar Sidhu
HBA Section 1: Aiden Amri, James Arsenault, Justin Machin, Colin Wong and Matt Zajac
HBA Section 2: Arpit Bansal, Hersh Gandhi, John Huo, Kelvin Mu and Ali Sabur
March 20, 2009
The director of the Ben Graham Center for value Investing, Dr. George Athanassakos, is pleased to announce the addition of two new databases on the Centre’s web site for student and public use. The purpose of the first database is to inform the user about, what we believe to be, the true value mutual funds in Canada (namely, mutual funds that adhere closely to the principles of value investing and act accordingly). The second database allows the user to retrieve historical financial and macro data, including financial statements, dynamic stock quotes, currency quotes, bond quotes, and commodities quotes from the AdvFn, MSN Money, Yahoo Finance, and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis web sites and analyze them in excel format.
Dr. George Athanassakos wishes to thank Mr. Rafael Nicolas Fermin-Cota for his outstanding research and programming skills that made the creation of these databases possible and Ms. Carly Vanderheyden for her excellent web management skills.
March 17, 2009
Mr. Seth Klarman, MBA, The Baupost Group was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Click here to read a summary of the key points of the presentation.
Many thanks to Loh Wei for an excellent job in summarizing the key points of Mr. Klarman’s presentation.
Mr. Klarman speaks to value investingstudents at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
February 28, 2009
Globe and Mail article “Learning the value of value investing”, p. B7, refers to Dr. Athanassakos as “an enthusiastic and knowledgeable teacher” and to his seminars on Value Investing as “a valuable experience”.
February 25, 2009
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "It is the risk takers who will benefit from the turmoil" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13.
February 9, 2009
Ms. Kim Shannon, CFA, MBA, Sionna Investment Managers was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
January 21, 2009
Read Dr. Athanassakos’ latest paper entitled “Do Value Investors Add Value? Searching for and Finding Value: Canadian Evidence 1999-2007”, which examines whether value investors add any value to a naive stock screening process.
December 17, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "If history is your guide, stocks are best bet for retirement strategy" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B13.
December 4, 2008
Dr. George Athanassakos gave an interview on BNN TV (formerly RobTV) where he discussed the question ”Are Equities Dead?”, and the future direction of financial markets, especially as it concerns those approaching retirement.
November 6, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Confusion reigns with deflation-inflation conundrum" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “Deflation versus inflation: The battle is raging” on November 5, 2008.
October 21, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "This Time, Panic won’t Lead to a Depression" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B18. The article also appeared in Globe Investor Magazine Online under the title “The Panic of 2008” on October 20, 2008, and on the website under the title The Panic of 2008 "won’t Lead to a Depression" on November 4, 2008
September 29, 2008
The long-awaited authorized biography of Warren Buffett was released on September 29. This is the first book about Buffett that he authorized. For the full story, click here.
August 28, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos' paper "Valuing Internet Ventures," was ranked among the top five most popular papers published in the Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis.
August 27, 2008
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the group from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing report. The winning group included the following students:
MBA August Class: Adam Ditkofsky, Jason Green, Kevin Halmos, George Nikopoulos and Claudio Rojas.
August 27, 2008
Saxon Financial granted a prize of $500 to the student from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA value investing class with the highest grade point average in the course. The winningstudent was Sameer Panjwani.
August 27, 2008
A database of company financials and related real time and historical stock market data has been added to the Burgundy Resource Center. This database is available free of charge to all those visiting the Ben Graham Centre’s web site.
Click here to view this valuable database and see what it covers.
August 19, 2008
Mr. Francis Chou CFA, Chou Associates Management Inc was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Chou speaks to value investing students at the Richard Ivey School of Business.
Dr. George Athanassakos thanks Mr. Francis Chou for his presentation to his value investing class.
July 2, 2008
Research from George Athanassakos shows how value investors get, on average, better returns.
June 16-20, 2008
Dr. George Athanassakos offered a highly sought after five day value investing seminar on Value Investing and the Search for Value to finance executives, finance professionals, portfolio managers, financial analysts and individual investors seeking knowledge of value creation, valuation and value investing theory and applications.
See photos and the list of seminar participants here.
Read testimonials from seminar participants here.
May 27, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos gave an interview on BNN's Market Morning where he discussed Value Investing and Canadian banks.
May 26, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Risk is no longer what it once was" published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online). An abridged version of the article entitled "Risk-Free Investing Bears Dangerous Consequences" appeared in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), May 28, 2008, p. B13.
May 27, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos was interviewed on CBC Radio where he discussed the Quebec Court of Appeal decision in favour of BCE bondholders.
May 9, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos met with the legendary value investor Mr. Irving Kahn, the Chairman of Kahn Brothers & Company, in New York for lunch at Mr. Kahn’s boardroom. Three years ago the Ivey Value Investing students had the opportunity to interact with Mr. Kahn via a videoconference. Dr. Athanassakos met with Mr. Kahn to update the discussion and further examine his philosophies, thoughts and ideas and ensure they are captured and preserved forever. To view the video of the interview and photographs of the meeting click here.
May 8, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos met with Mr. Walter Schloss, the man Mr. Buffett refers to as “the super-investor”, for dinner in New York on May 8, 2008. He had the opportunity to discuss with him a number of issues related to Mr. Schloss’ successful career that spanned 45 years from 1956 to 2000.
May 7, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos was the key note speaker at the 6th Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute of Financial Planners in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Athanassakos’ speech on Value Vs. Growth Investing in Canada was attended by over 300 delegates.
May 3, 2008
The 2008 MBA yearbook reported that Ivey MBA students voted Dr. Athanassakos as their favourite professor and Value Investing as the favourite course in Ivey’s MBA program.
April 28, 2008
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the groups from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA and HBA Value Investing classes with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA April Class: Adam Carlson, Trevor Hand, Nick Kuzyk and Mike Lazarovits
MBA March Class: Collin Bendell, Sarah Helppi, Mike Hornby-Smith, Chris Lerch and Kristen Sam
HBA Section 1: Matt Manias, David McCann, Geoffrey McLeod, Kirk McNamara and Alex Motherwell
HBA Section 2: Devanie Gosine, Karonlina Kibis, Nikki Papadopoulos, Ralph Pierer and Justin Toribio
April 28, 2008
Giraffe Capital Corp. gave a prize of $2,000 which was divided equally among the students from Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA value investing classes with the highest grade point average in the course. The winning students were:
MBA April Class: Andrew Liang
MBA March Class: Stephen Stewart
HBA Section 1: Daniel Sacks
HBA Section 2: Justin Toribio
March 31, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos and his HBA and MBA Value Investing students met with the world's best known investor and one of the world's richest persons, Mr. Warren Buffett, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, at the company's headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. The visit gave Dr. Athanassakos and the Ivey students the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Buffett a wide variety of issues ranging from investing in China to what makes one happy.
Mr. Buffett was a student of Benjamin Graham at Columbia University and under Mr. Graham's guidance he learned his Value Investing skills. The Richard Ivey School of Business is one of only two Universities in the world to offer a formal program in Value Investing and Dr. Athanassakos' chair is named after Mr. Buffett's mentor Mr. Graham.
See details about the trip, including photos, meeting notes and news articles.
Mr. Buffett poses with Dr. Athanassakos.
Left to right: Eugene Profis, Nick Kuzyk, Claudio Rojas, Warren Buffett, Nicholas Fermin Cota, Dr. George Athanassakos, and Cecilia Liu.
March 18, 2008
Mr. Robert Tattersall of Howson Tattersall was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Mr. Tattersall speaks to value investing students.
Dr. Athanassakos and Mr. Tattersall.
March 13, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos is named among top Finance professors in Canada in the article "Investing tips from the world of academia" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12.
February 29, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Bond investor alert: Inflation beast lurks in the shadows” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10.
February 12, 2008
Mr. Walter J. Schloss of Walter & Edwin Schloss Associates was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Veteran value investor Walter Schloss speaks to Dr. Athanassakos' students.
Students participate in a question and answer period with Mr. Schloss.
January 30, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Why value investors have the better returns" published in The Globe and Mail (Globe Investor Magazine Online). An abridged version of the article entitled "Value Versus Growth" appeared in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), January 31, 2008, p. B15.
January 17, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos' work on value investing was featured in the article "Today's lesson: less is more" published in The Toronto Star, p. F4.
January 9, 2008
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Bad News – the Recession is Already Here” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B12.
Fall 2007
Dr. George Athanassakos visited Australia where he spoke at Universities and businesses from Perth to Melbourne and Sydney on various value investing themes.
Dr. Athanassakos speaks to a group of business people from Melbourne’s investment community at the Melbourne Center for Financial Studies on November 26, 2007.
August 28, 2007
Dr. Athanassakos contributed to the article “The possible turnaround of poor performers” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B11.
August 23, 2007
The Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Prize – Best Value Investing Project.
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. awarded $1000.00 to the group from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA October Cohort: Mike Liebrock, Niki Choo, Erik Giernalczyk, Andrew Alley and Blaine Woodcock.
August 23, 2007
Chou Associates Management Inc. gave $500.00 to each of the two groups from Dr. Athanassakos' MBA Value Investing class with the best value investing reports. The winning groups included the following students:
MBA October Cohort Group 1: Mike Liebrock, Niki Choo, Erik Giernalczyk, Andrew Alley and Blaine Woodcock.
MBA October Cohort Group 2: Sheryl Qian, Chris Sturby, Jonathan Saunders and Mark Turner.
August 16, 2007
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Catch-22: Inflation v. growth” published in The National Post (Financial Post), p. FP13.
August 1, 2007
Mr. Francis Chou CFA, Chou Associates Management Inc was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
Watch Video
July 26, 2007
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "This Cycle is Different? Yeah, right” published in The National Post (Financial Post), p. FP13.
May 25, 2007
The Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing held it's 1st symposium on "Intelligent Investing: Value vs. Growth - Traditional vs. Fundamental Indexing" at the Toronto Board of Trade, First Canadian Place on May 25, 2007. For more information click here.
May 24, 2007
Dr. George Athanassakos gave an interview on BNN TV (formerly RobTV) where he discussed Value Investing and debated Dr. John Bart on the merits of Value vs. Growth Investing.
May 17, 2007
Dr. Athanassakos contributed to the article “Finding cheap stocks before Bay Street does” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B21.
April 4, 2007
Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. gave $1000.00 to a group from each of Dr. Athanassakos' HBA and MBA Value Investing classes that produced an outstanding value investing report. The winning groups included the following students:
HBA 1: Nicole Fich and Bing Han.
HBA 2: Cheryl Cheung, Rebecca Ho, Betty Li, Paige Paterson and Fiona Wong.
MBA: Neal Gilmore, Jenny Hui, Troy MacLean, Alan Mannik and Dimitri Sotirakopoulos.
MBA (May Cohort): Ryan Bell, Chris Day, Richard Finkelstein, Mike Notto and Eric Singer.
March 27, 2007
Mr. Avner Mandelman of Giraffe Capital Corp. was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Watch Video
March 13, 2007
Mr. Irwin Michael of ABC Funds was a guest speaker to Professor Athanassakos' Value Investing classes.
Watch Video
February 13, 2007
Mr. Martin Whitman the Founder, Chairman and co-CIO of Third Avenue Management LLC was a guest speaker to Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing class.
December 8, 2006
Mr. Francis Chou, President of the Toronto-based Chou Associates Management Inc. has awarded $1000 to each of two groups from Dr. Athanassakos' Value Investing classes whose company recommendation, resulting from a course related value investing project, earned the highest return between March 31, 2006 and December 8, 2006. The winning groups included the following students:
Group 1: Amy Cao, Michael Geng, Alfred Li, Andy Sun and Jacky Xie.
Group 2: Amr Elgwaily, Rene Frey, Dmitri Razmyslovich, Sudharshan Sathiyamoorthy and Quincy Wong.
Mr. Chou has operated two of the country’s most successful funds, Chou Associates Fund and Chou RRSP fund, for the last 18 years. In 2005, the Canadian Investment Award named him the fund manager of the decade.
November 17, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos presented his paper entitled "Value vs. Glamour Stocks in the US" at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Southern Finance Association, Destin, Florida.
October 23, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos participated in the Thought Leadership Competition held during the Brandes Intelligent Investing Worldwide Conference in Dana Point, California and won the first prize.
Mr. Brandes presenting the award to Dr. Athanassakos
October 20, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos presented his papers entitled "Value vs. Glamour Stock Returns and the Value Premium: The Canadian Experience 1985-2002" and "Seasonal Patterns in Canadian Financial Markets and the Impact of Professional Portfolio Managers: Evidence of Profitable Opportunities", at the Brandes Intelligent Investing Worldwide Conference, Brandes Institute, Dana Point, California.
October 13, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos presented his paper entitled "Value vs. Glamour Stocks in the US" at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Financial Management Association, Salt Lake City, Utah.
August 16, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos had his article "Lampert Knows Value Premium When He Sees it - You Should too" published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B10.
July 7, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos presented his paper entitled "Value vs. Glamour Stock Returns and the Value Premium: The Canadian Experience 1985-2002", at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Portuguese Finance Network, Porto, Portugal.
June 28, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos presented his paper entitled "Seasonal Patterns in Canadian Financial Markets and the Impact of Professional Portfolio Managers: Evidence of Profitable Opportunities" at the 2006 Annual Conference of the European Financial Management Association, Madrid, Spain.
June 7, 2006
Dr. Athanassakos had his article “Seasonality and the Impact on Securities” published in The Globe and Mail (Report on Business), p. B15.