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Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab

Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab graduate student Ying-Ying Hsieh joins Imperial College Business School

Jun 18, 2018

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On behalf of the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab, we are pleased to announce that Ying-Ying Hsieh, recent PhD graduate, has accepted an offer to join Imperial College Business School as an Assistant Professor of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, starting September 1st. Please join us in congratulating her on this terrific achievement!

Ying-Ying was the first graduate student to receive support from the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab at Ivey Business School. Her work on coordination within blockchain-based organizations (or “decentralized autonomous organizations”) in the cryptocurrency industry has benefited tremendously from data collection efforts made through the Lab, from discussions with Scotiabankers, and from the various opportunities she had to interact with leading Fintech figures. Ying-Ying’s contributions to the Lab have been remarkable too–from the development of the Scotiabank teaching case to the organization of the first Toronto Fintech Conference. We have been lucky to have her around!

Her research, supported by the Lab, is beginning to be published in various academic outlets (e.g., in the book “Bitcoin and beyond”, in the Journal of Organization Design).  We are confident that, going forward, Ying-Ying will continue to contribute to management research with her cutting-edge work. Over the last few months, she has been invited to present her papers at premier international conferences in the U.S., in Israel, in Canada, in France, in Denmark and in Germany. This has contributed significantly to building an international reputation for the Lab’s academic research, and her transfer to Imperial College will further this trend.

We are all very proud to see Ying-Ying join Imperial College­–a global Top 10 university, whose business school is consistently ranked among the Top 20 in the world across programs as well as for its research output. Imperial College Business School, located in the downtown core of the world’s leading Fintech hub, is, unsurprisingly, very much focused on Fintech education and research, and this represents a perfect fit for Ying-Ying.

Bravo Ying-Ying – and many thanks to all of you for your continuing commitment and support!